Hi, my name is Derek Caramella.

Professional Experience
I am a Functional Analyst at Tiber Creek Consulting, a military web development company. I utilize Microsoft SQL Server to manage at least six military software programs at time. Moreover, I oversee at minimum seven databases with at least 50 tables in each database. I interface with the customer to build ERP diagrams, then normalize the diagrams for database deployment. Lastly, I address workflows, adjust UX designs, & build managerial reports.
Prior to Tiber Creek, I was a Digitization Lead for pladis Global, a chocolate manufacturing company. I delivered data visualizations to empower objective decision making to ensure effective operation. I used Python, Visual Basic, SQL, and Excel technologies to build local dashboards on servers and delivered statistical insight to reduce deadweight losses.
I earned my Masters in Data Science from the University of Rochester, in May 2022, with a concentration in Computational Methods. In Data Science, I specialize in time-series forecasting, classification, & Big Data efficiency.
I graduated from Elmira College, in May 2021, as a triple major in Business Administration, Economics, & Political Science with a concentration in Public Affairs.
Personal Life
Outside the workplace & academia, I enjoy playing soccer and spending time outdoors. I have a loving, supportive girlfriend that I spend the lion's share of my recreational time with - we ski, kayak, hike, and enjoy life together.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio, make sure to network with me if you have any questions or comments.
Warm regards,